@Saj =COUNTIFS([Unit Name]:[Unit Name], "ABC", [Unit Type]:[Unit Type], "NEW", [Schedule visit]:[Schedule visit], NOT(OR(@cell = "Completed", @cell = "Cancelled&quo…1 · -
Re: Help need in Automation workflow.
Hey @Saj Try removing the quotes around the zero and one in your two formulas. When I tested the automation in my sheet, your formula with the quotes, which forces the answer to textstrings, did not …1 · -
Re: Alphanumeric into a Date
Hey @cochrank try this: =DATE(VALUE(MID([Serial Number]@row, 4, 2)) + 2000, IF(LEFT([Serial Number]@row, 1) = "A", 1, IF(LEFT([Serial Number]@row, 1) = "B", 2, IF(LEFT([Serial Num…1 · -
Re: Help with excel formula please
hey @emjaytx Happy New Year! If you are wanting an excel formula for an excel sheet, you may find better help in an Excel community forum. This is a Smartsheet community, which is a different platfor…1 · -
Re: Receiving an exact copy of a form after its completed by others- how to set this up automatically?
Hey @Scott Carder Because a form will automatically create a new row on your sheet, it is straight-forward to send the results of the form to you via sheet automation. This will only be the answers t…1 ·